Covid Chronicles 3.0

Hi Everyone
I thought I would just jot down some things Ive been thinking about this week:
- Need to turn off the news as our kids are being bombarded with Negative Messages that their growing minds might not be able to cope with. As adults we can process things a bit better.
- We need to model the behaviour we want to see our kids doing. I cant tell my kids to get off their devices if my husband and I are glued to ours every day/night. This also goes for safe behaviour in this new COVID world. If we break the rules, our kids will think its fine to do the same. (PS Im a rule follower from way back)
- I really dont want to see NSW or New Zealand going through what Victoria is doing with a second lock down so I hope they can get these new outbreaks under control fast.
- The sunshine is giving some small previews of Spring in my garden so that is a nice change from last weekend which was cold and wet.
- Loving watching Yellowstone on Stan - so much action for one little show, I hope they do a 4th season!
I hope you are all doing ok, this year is definitely one that will not be forgotten!
Jacquie x
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